Since 2013, we've painstakingly focused on an unparalleled user experience, creating hands down the most user-friendly ATMs in the industry.
Our operators have benefitted not just from delighted clients, but also on cost alone, as we do not take a portion of their commissions, and simply cannot due to our decentralised, source-available model.
And our powerful admin, with its advanced trigger-based compliance suite, allows them to operate independently and with full privacy.
Now, we're taking the Lamassu experience beyond our models to the thousands of Genmega units in the field.
Lamassu for Genmega
We've worked directly with Genmega to support their kiosks through their SDK, ensuring full compatibility with their hardware.
And, unlike another Genmega conversion kit on the market, there is no additional hardware to purchase to make the switch. All that's needed is to boot your machine's computer from a USB flash drive.
Our platform is compatible with all Genmega models, including Universal Kiosks 1 & 2, the Gemini, and Wall Kiosk.

Our difference
Cost – Other software providers take a cut of your commissions. Worse, they do so off the volume, meaning as competition drives commissions down, your provider represents an increasing percentage of your overhead. Instead, we offer our software and support for a simple flat-fee.
Experience – Our user experience is second-to-none. We routinely hear from operators of multiple manufacturers whose customers prefer and insist on using our machines within their fleet because of how user-friendly they are.
Freedom – Our full software stack is published and free for you to inspect and modify: There are no black boxes, nor central services to become attack vectors.
Privacy – We see none of your data or your customers' data. Some software providers not only have access to this, but even operate their own ATMs. With us, you're not a source of business intelligence for your competition.
Support – Our level of support is unrivaled, stemming from our team’s deep knowledge of our platform and a passion for our mission. They will work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure your machine is running with maximum stability and reliability.
Take a peek
We're so proud of the Lamassu Admin, we just couldn't keep it behind an install script. Now you can explore our powerful backend for yourself, with no setup necessary.
Drop us a line and we’ll give you a login for our online demo to explore all its features, including our new analytics and customer management suites.

Want to take it for a spin?
Ready to take our full platform for a joy ride on real hardware?
Give us a shout and we'll ship you a USB drive to test drive. You can try it straight from the USB without the need to permanently install anything. And we'll equip you with an admin ready-to-go, no configuration required.